
Home Vendors DEVI
DEVI brand is the world leader and the largest European manufacturer of electric cable heating systems with 80 years of history. Learn more

About vendor

Since 1942, the DEVI brand has been creating and improving electric heating technologies, which is an important and invisible component of many familiar things. We work to make the lives of millions of people around the world safe and comfortable! As a global manufacturer of heating elements for industrial and domestic purposes, DEVI has grown significantly over the years and is now the leading brand of electric heating in Europe with a significant market share. DEVI Electric Heating has been part of global concern Danfoss since 2003.

Vendors catalogue
SKU: 83030566
8448 UAH*
in stock
DEVIcomfort 150T is used for underfloor heating in rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor, toilet and bedrooms). It is used in the construction of renovated and new thin underfloor heating, directly under the floor covering.
SKU: 83030588
27444 UAH*
in stock
DEVIcomfort 150T is used for surface heating in rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor, toilet and rooms). It is used in the construction of renovated and new thin floors with heating, directly under the floor covering - directly under tiles or laminate (with thin screed) without forming a thick layer of cement screed.
SKU: 83030562
6180 UAH*
in stock
DEVIcomfort 150T is used for underfloor heating in rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor, toilet and bedrooms). It is used in the construction of renovated and new thin underfloor heating floors.
SKU: 83030586
23748 UAH*
in stock
DEVIcomfort 150T is used for underfloor heating in rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor, toilet and bedrooms). It is used in the construction of renovated and new thin underfloor heating floors.
SKU: 83030584
21888 UAH*
in stock
Heating mat DEVIcomfort 150T is a powerful and efficient heating solution with a wattage of 1235W. It provides ample coverage for various heating applications.
SKU: 83030582
20100 UAH*
in stock
DEVIcomfort 150T is used for surface heating in rooms (kitchen, bathroom, corridor, toilet and rooms). It is used in the construction of renovated and new thin floors with heating
SKU: 140F1410
7860 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used for installation of floor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific heat output can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of application.
SKU: 140F1244
8604 UAH*
in stock
Type: heating cable; Type of cable: 2-wire; Use: used in concrete floors for complete heating of premises or for comfortable heating of the floor surface; Power: 1075 W; Maximum conductor temperature: 90 °С; Outer diameter of cable: 6.9 mm.
SKU: 140F1245
9660 UAH*
in stock
The DEVIflex 18T heating cable is a two-core solution designed for efficient heating applications. With a coverage area of 8.5 square meters and a power output of 1220W, this 68-meter cable operates at 230V, providing reliable and uniform heating for various installations.
SKU: 140F1235
3024 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1246
10716 UAH*
in stock
The DEVIflex 18T heating cable is designed for efficient heating solutions, offering reliability and performance. With a coverage area of 9.0 square meters and a power output of 1340 watts, it ensures even and consistent heating.
SKU: 140F1247
11772 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1248
12828 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1236
3324 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1249
13980 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used for installation of floor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific heat output can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step.
SKU: 140F1250
15096 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used for installation of floor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises.
SKU: 140F1400
3504 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used for installation of floor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises.
SKU: 140F1251
16224 UAH*
in stock
Type: heating cable; Type of cable: 2-wire; Use: used in concrete floors for complete heating of premises or for comfortable heating of the floor surface; Power: 2420 W; Maximum conductor temperature: 90 °С; Outer diameter of cable: 6.9 mm.
SKU: 140F1237
3780 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1252
17892 UAH*
in stock
Type: heating cable; Type of cable: 2-wire; Use: used in concrete floors for complete heating of premises or for comfortable heating of the floor surface; Power: 2775 W; Maximum conductor temperature: 90 °С; Outer diameter of cable: 6.9 mm.
SKU: 140F1402
19104 UAH*
in stock
Type: heating cable; Type of cable: 2-wire; Use: used in concrete floors for complete heating of premises or for comfortable heating of the floor surface; Power: 3050 W; Maximum conductor temperature: 90 °С; Outer diameter of cable: 6.9 mm.
SKU: 140F1401
4176 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1238
4536 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used to install underfloor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific power of heat release can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of the application.
SKU: 140F1239
5280 UAH*
in stock
DEVIflex 18T is used for installation of floor heating as the main or additional heating of the floor surface in residential and non-residential premises. The specific heat output can be adjusted by the heating cable laying step, which explains the versatility of application.

New items

SKU: 140F1160
3930 UAH*
in stock
DEVIreg Basic is an intuitive programmable thermostat with an intelligent timer to control the temperature of the floor, which corresponds to the modern eco-design of Lot 20 and is used to control the electric elements of the heated floor. Installed in a mounting box.
SKU: 140F1161
4865 UAH*
in stock
DEVIreg Room is an intuitive programmable thermostat with an intelligent timer for combined room or floor temperature control that meets modern eco-design. This thermostat is used to control the electric floor heating elements according to the room temperature with the possibility of limiting the floor temperature.


Бренд Danfoss активно підтримує загальну концепцію щодо необхідності встановлення балансу між задоволенням сучасних потреб людства й захистом інтересів майбутніх поколінь, усвідомлюючи потребу в безпечному і здоровому довкіллі.
Протягом 80 років незмінною метою DEVI є допомога у cтворенні в оселі затишку та комфорту, забезпечення спокою та задоволення від бездоганно працюючого рішення електрообігріву. Для бізнесу DEVI пропонує надійні, економічно-доцільні...
Електрична тепла підлога здобуває все більшу популярність серед власників квартир та приватних будинків завдяки комфортному підігріву окремих зон та приміщень – особливо в період міжсезонння.
Experience the combination of precise control and elegant design by choosing one of three models of thermostats - Opti, Touch or Smart.
Електрична тепла підлога стає дедалі більш популярною серед власників квартир і приватних будинків завдяки дбайливому підігріву окремих зон і приміщень, особливо в період міжсезоння. Данська компанія DEVI пропонує комплекс­ні системи...
Електрична тепла підлога стає все більш популярною серед власників квартир і приватних будинків завдяки дбайливому підігріву окремих зон і приміщень, особливо в період міжсезоння. Данська компанія DEVI пропонує комплексні системи підігріву:...
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